What Chris is up to at the moment...

What I am up to...

8th July 2011

I am currently working hard structuring my business concept for a small to medium business advisory service. The main focus will be upon customer connectivity and service development.

I attended an SIE 3 day start up conference in July, which has helped me out greatly. I also have a great support network helping me construct my thoughts and ideas.

I cannot wait to help out businesses and provide them with tools and assistance to develop their customer relationships and ultimately increase their sales.

Thanks to Fusion Hair Salon, CMSL and Q-Ten for helping me construct my business model.


Saturday 22 January 2011

The surprising truth about what motivates us

Daniel Pink is the author of Drive which can be purchased from Amazon (take a look at my Amazon link on the right hand side - the book is £4.50).

I was gifted his book by a good friend, which was a great eye opener...thanks Christian!

There are two videos below that deliver the same message but I would watch both if you have time. It is very interesting to consider Motivation 2.0 and what we have been used to for many years. We all know that things are changing and we know in our hearts that something needs to change. Dan Pink makes it easier for us to understand what truly motivates people...and FYI, it's not money!

I can personally relate to it all in a big way, as an employee and as a leader/manager.

You can view other RSA Animate videos via The RSA Website.




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